La Vie Est Belle

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The Last and New Chapter

Our children return to school tomorrow…a new season…changes already in the air. This week will be difficult, but exciting and hopeful at the same time. And with any new season, stories written, and new chapters read, I am learning that sometimes they can leave you wanting…wishing…needing more, but often that is the simple beauty of the journey. It has taken me nearly two years to write and accept our story…and sometimes I still struggle. But with every story, the last chapter, and new chapters…change is inevitable. So, with that being said…

I feel like I have exhausted all that I can currently share about our journey/our story…successes and failures, disappointments and discoveries, emotional rollercoasters, and days of pure exhaustion followed by triumphs. Many of you have journeyed alongside me/our family for nearly two years and would no doubt agree that every rock has been overturned and every corner rounded. And for all your love and support - I/we will be forever grateful.

Most of our blogs are incorporated into our book, Finding Us, releasing in September (2022). So, if you are just joining our community, I invite you to read our book or start with the first blog and follow our story in the hopes that it might empower and inspire you or someone you love…just as you do and have done for us.

If you would like to communicate with me personally or submit a blog of your unique experiences (which we would all greatly appreciate), I would welcome any and all of that ( From time to time, I will submit a blog about where we are, what we have learned, how we have changed, where help might be available…etc.

Just remember that we need each other, learn from each other, are encouraged by each other and that through the good and bad times, we remain our children’s parents, their reminders of love and security and their fiercest allies and defenders!

Credit for this entry: My dear friend Robin Hasslen. A stranger two years ago, but now someone I cherish and admire. A friend that read every blog, sent me a note of encouragement every Monday morning (without fault), and recently told me “it was time”. Thank you, Robin. For so many reasons - I have needed your loving, supportive and honest voice.